Wednesday, April 11, 2012

EDUC-6713I-5 Integrating Technology Across the Content Areas Course Reflection

During this course we were able to come up with our own GAME plan. Each week we did different work to come up with ideas and evaluate our progress. In my own personal GAME plan, I am taking steps to integrate technology into my curriculum. I have taken the necessary steps into implementing my goals.

One of my goals in my game plan was to implement the new iPads into my curriculum. This goal is well on its way. ISTE has provided standards for teachers and I chose two goals provided on the ISTE site to guide my plan. The goal I am pleased that has made tremendous growth is for myself to facilitate and inspire learning and creativity. We have been working on projects to help my self-motivated learners opportunities to enrich their education. Creative thinkers are self-motivated and directed in solving problems and using technology (Cennamo K., 2010).

Looking back through the GAME plan, one of the things that I have enjoyed is how actively involved in the learning I have become. I have always put a great deal of thought and effort into my lessons and I have always been very hands on with my students, but learning the new methodologies of podcasting and digital story telling has been as good for me as it has been for my students. I am a life-long learner and work with my students in finding ways to enrich our education.

The immediate adjustment I will make to my instructional practice regarding technology is integrating digital storytelling into my curriculum. I am going to implement a digital story with students in Social Studies. There are two digital stories that would blend nice. The first one is the Underground Railroad. They were learning about the conductors and passengers on the railroad. They can do a two-minute story about one of those passengers and narrate their stories. The second story we will do is for the Revolutionary War. We will examine the causes of the war and why British citizens would rebel against their home country. Digital storytelling is new to me but has endless possibilities for incorporating it into my curriculum. When students use digital storytelling to tell their story, learning becomes personal. Students can improve their writing, show creativity, and have a voice (Laureate Education, 2010). I cannot wait to see the growth and power of digital storytelling incorporated into my curriculum.

Cennamo K., Ross J., & Ertmer P. (2010). Technology Integration for Meaningful Classroom Use: A Standards-Based Approach. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). The ISTE NETS and Performance Indicators for Teachers (NETS-T). In ISTE nets Leading Digital-Age Education. Retrieved March 4, 2012, from

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2010b). Program twelve. Spotlight on technology: Digital storytelling, part 1 [Webcast]. Integrating technology across the content areas. Baltimore, MD.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Monitoring My GAME Plan Progress

I have taken steps toward my goals and plan for integrating technology into my classroom. One of my goals in my game plan is to implement the new iPads into my curriculum. I have been researching applications available. The iPads are funded out of student accounts and not general funds; therefore, I cannot bring them home with me. Because my time is limited at school, I have been borrowing my son’s iPad to learn the technology that is currently available for classroom uses.

I just introduced a project-based Solar System project this past week. My plan is for my students to be able to use the iPads during the research process. This will allow students to use technology to enhance their learning and also a chance to do further research than the 2 hours a week they have for a laptop or desktop computer.

The information I still am compiling is the range of iPad applications that are currently available. Also, what assistive technology functions are available for my iPad? What applications is the most bang for the buck for my large English-learner population?

I am finding a lot of information needed for this goal. I would love my district IT support for ideas and I am researching on my own ways I can implement them. One issue I have is money. If we want applications that cost money, we have to get school administrator permission to purchase them. We could pay out of pocket and download them ourselves but we will not be reimbursed for the purchase.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

My Game Plan - Next Steps

Proverb Quote
“He who fails to plan, plans to fail”

As this week’s Learning Resources point out, our students come from different cultural backgrounds, speak different languages, and have different ability levels, readiness levels, and learning styles. Technology can help teachers customize their instruction to help students with diverse needs access your content. As a teacher, you develop learning goals for individual students that allow them to obtain the skills and knowledge required by standards. UDL (universal design) allows the curriculum to be enhanced (Cennamo, K., Ross, J., & Ertmer, P. 2010. pg. 120).

The first goal I had was to allow my students the opportunities to create Social Studies and Science projects. Technology can enhance book projects by creating digital storyboards. I would need a laptop or iPad for each student with Internet access and writing programs such as Microsoft Word. For the iPad there is an application titled ScriptWrite. ScriptWrite is screenwriting application. Students can write an entire screenplay or a quick scene on the go, all with one easy interface. There is another application titled Lyrics Writer. This allows students to write lyrics for music. By using technology for Social Studies and Science, projects will be enhanced and students will be engaged in their learning.

The iPads are now just being inventoried and newly arrived on campus. I have been researching applications and borrowing my sons iPad to learn the technology out there. I am in the planning stages for their Solar System project and will allow students to use technology to enhance their learning. The information I still need is the range of iPad applications that are out there theat are effective in assisting students in the learning process.

Cennamo, K., Ross, J., & Ertmer, P. (2010). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My Game Plan

ISTE has provided standards for teachers. I have chosen two NETS goals provided on the ISTE site, to guide my game plan. The first NETS standard that I want to set for myself is to facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity (NETS 2008). When students are self-motivated, they tend to be more engaged in their learning. Creative thinkers are self-motivated and directed in solving problems and using technology (Cennamo K., 2010). When teachers allow learning environments that foster creativity, goal setting, and clear objectives, while using technology, students will learn and grow in that environment. “Students are expected to make choices based on learning goals and self-monitoring of problem-solving processes.” (Cennamo, K., Ross, J. & Ertmer, P. pg. 27).

One way I strive to reach my goal is by allowing my student opportunities to do creative projects with books, Social Studies, and Science. In Social Studies, my students have a creative project in which they have choice. They are allowed to create PowerPoint presentations, a map, or perhaps a model of the ship their Explorer traveled on their quest for the American continents, or any other creative idea that shows their learning. Students like having options and choices. I want to allow my students more opportunities to create projects and let them choose their own topics. I need to have student conferences so I can monitor my student’s progress. I am a self-reflective person and evaluate my progress on a continual basis. I will evaluate my progress by the feedback of my students and their in feedback of their projects.

The second NETS standard I want to develop is Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments. I have loved learning about blogs, wikis, podcasts, webcasts, voice threads, and screen casts at Walden. I want have already implemented podcasts into my Social Studies curriculum. I want to implement blogs into my curriculum. I am working with my district IT person in trying to collaborate and find ways to safely implement the blogs into my curriculum. I feel it is important to implement blogs because blogs are highly motivating to students, especially those who otherwise might not become participants in classrooms. Blogs provide excellent opportunities for students to read and write; effective forums for collaboration and discussion; and blogs provide powerful tools that enable instruction to be scaffolded (Elizabeth, 2010). I will continually monitor my progress by setting monthly goals for my success. I will work with district technology specialists to help me in my goal. I know that if I am accountable to others, that I will more likely be successful in my goal setting to become a better practitioner and professional. I will evaluate if I am successful by looking at my students and their successes in the learning process and their engagement in the tasks at hand.

Cennamo, K., Ross, J., & Ertmer, P. (2010). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Elizabeth. (March 11, 2010). I Love Ed Tech. In I blog, you blog, let’s ALL blog! – Reasons YOU should have a classroom blog!. Retrieved March 6, 2012, from

(International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). The ISTE NETS and Performance Indicatorsfor Teachers (NETS•T). In ISTEnets LEADING DIGITAL-AGE EDUCATION. Retrieved March 4, 2012, from