Thursday, June 16, 2011


     My knowledge of technology before this course was word processing, PowerPoint, digital cameras,  Smart boards, and  maintaining a class website and a personal blog.  I learned that the skills I have can be used in a twenty-first century classroom. The one new piece of technology that i I had never heard of before this course was a wiki.  I not only learned to develop a wiki, a blog, and a podcast, but I also learned to collaborate and work with a group of people.  
     I have deepened my understanding in how the Internet and blogging can be implemented into my teaching.  I learned that I can do things different to get better results.   I have always believed that students need to be student centered.  Teachers are facilitators of learning not the main center of attention.  When students take charge of their learning, they own the materials. 
     The question we started the course off with was "What is the difference between using technology to do things differently and using technology to do different things in the classroom?"  According to, Dr. Christopher Dede, (Dr. Dede 2008), you need to use an innovative way to reach our students, such as  virtual environments and wikis. We need to think about the side effects that change our content and way to do things.  We need to co-construct our knowledge for student learning. "Unless you change how the students are being taught, the technology means nothing."  (Dr. Dede, 2008). Prior to this class, I often used technology to do things differently. Now my classroom focus is on seeing the ways that I can do different things in my classroom, specifically through the use of Web 2.0 technologies.
     I can continue to expand my knowledge of learning, teaching, and technology by continuing on with my Master's Program and by implementing the technology that I am learning about in my classroom.  In the next two years, I want to do two things to integrate technology and 21st century skills into my classroom. First, I want to explicitly teach my students how to effectively collaborate with each other.  These skills will help them collaborate and be able to do a blog or wiki together.                                      My second goal for the next two years is to implement blogging in Science.  I was approached by my district's IT person about the possibility of piloting blogging into my classroom this next school year.  I am excited about having the district's support on this quest.  I know that it will transform the way I teach and I know my student's will have different results.  This will help my student's expand on their quest for knowledge.  This is my goal also for this next school year.  It will completely transform the way I teach and hopefully take my classroom on a more student-centered classroom.  My plan to accomplish these goals is to obtain support from my district administrators and my school site administrator.  We have 30 laptops for students checkout and only 45 minutes in computer lab.  I will need their support so we can use the laptops on a frequent basis.  I will work with students to teach them the proper use of laptops.  I will teach students from the first day of school the importance of cooperation with everyone, not just our friends.  I know by doing this that students will be able to gain the necessary skills for the twenty-first century.  

Laureate Education, Inc. (2008). Evolution of Technology and Pedagogy [Motion Picture]. [Featuring Dr. Chris Dede].

Sunday, June 5, 2011


I interviewed three students this week to discuss the use of technology at home and at school.  Students overwhelmingly wished that there could me more time for the Internet at school for assignments and that there was more time for the checking out of the laptop cart.  90% of my students in my classroom have access to home computers and the Internet at home.  My students are chatting on Facebook and Twitter.  In fact, I have to remind students that they cannot go on Social Networking sites on school computers.  About 50% of my students use a cell phone on a regular basis.  

Click on the link below to listen to the podcast.